
Self-Esteem Bingo To Play With Your Kids

Free Download: Help Build Confidence in Your Kids & Boost Their Self-Esteem
With This Easy To Play Game At Home

What's this game about?

Living in the age of the internet (cyber-bullying/constant comparison) affects young minds more than we can sometimes know. Us parents play an important role in helping to build and instil confidence in our young ones in an intentional way — this game of self-esteem bingo is a great way to get the confidence train moving!

This printable self-esteem building activity will help:

  1. You and your kids engage in verbal exercises that encourage self-love and positive self-talk
  2. Teach you a thing or two about your kids’ mental health (and even yourself)
  3. Bring your family closer together  
Self Esteem Bingo

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Print out this pdf, invite some of your kids' friends over and play the game with them.

Make building confidence a daily ritual and keep the self-esteem levels high!