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The Future of Network Marketing & Job Security in 2021

What does the future of network marketing and job security in 2021 look like? 

This is a question many in the industry or those who are looking to get started may be thinking during our current world circumstances. 

For some, this pandemic has brought people to their knees, while for others they have absolutely flourished. 

People have now realised that “job security” is merely an illusion we create for ourselves and that actually, it’s imperative to not have all your eggs in one basket.

This crazy time in the world has really forced people to think out the box, get creative and hustle even harder than ever before.  

In this article, I share how stable the future of network marketing is looking and how worrying about “job security” can become a thing of the past when you can create it for yourself. 

Natalie Heeley the future of network marketing

A Brief History Of Direct Selling

In order for us to understand where the future of network marketing is going, we need to also look at where it started and how it’s evolved over the years. 

  • In 1886 – the MLM business model evolved within the USA during the year 1886 with the establishment of Avon.
  • In 1925 – the direct sales volume increased to around 300 to 500 million USD.
  • Between 1940 and 1960 – many companies emerged supporting the concept of multi-level marketing aka network marketing.
  • In 1970 – new products emerged and were focused on widening the MLM business. Product categories like wellness products, household products, food items started evolving to draw in potential consumers.
  • Between 1990 and 1996 – many major MLM companies like Avon, Amway, Tupperware extended their service to the global market in order to create a much larger customer base. Countries such as India, Korea, China saw the influx of MLM businesses.

The Future of the Network Marketing Industry

As we can see, network marketing continues to grow and evolve year on year. We can see this happening consistently with well-established companies like Forever Living (founded in 1978). 

None of us has a crystal ball, we can’t predict the future, but what we can look to is previous history and consumer culture. Pandemic or not, people still need to consume. 

We are living in a GIG economy. Decent jobs that come with decent benefits are few and far between. 

The majority of people nowadays want and need some extra income, over and above what they may be currently earning–resulting in just about everyone having a side hustle these days, including many professionals. 

Natalie Heeley the future of network marketing

A network marketing business can make an excellent side hustle, I know, because it was mine before I went in full guns blazing.

However, once a person starts to see how easy making money can be and the benefits that come with being a part of an amazing team, you won’t want to just have it as your side hustle. 

You will also start to see the bigger picture of what this business can truly offer you, which is FREEDOM, both financially and in time (which is even more precious than how many bucks you have in the bank).

Network marketing is the only industry I know of where you can reliably make a leveraged, residual income

I truly believe this is not going anywhere and will continue to grow and evolve to even bigger and newer heights. 

Instead of my business slowing down during the pandemic, it continued to grow — why? 

Because people continued to consume, and many realised they needed to be open-minded to new ways of making money.    

Read ’23 Reasons Why Network Marketing is the Biz To Be In Right Now’ here.

A Few Reasons Why Network Marketing is the Future of Business

the future of network marketing

1. Low Risk

Starting a network marketing business has minimal investment (only £199.75 with Forever). 

Can you think of any other business that you can start for so little that will have such a high return with such low risk? 

With the current economic state, we’re in due to the pandemic, people don’t have thousands or millions to put into a new business opportunity—an MLM business is the perfect alternative. 

This also makes it the ideal business opportunity for the younger generation (18-25) to get started making money. 

2. Time Flexibility

What is more precious than money? Time. 

One of the main reasons I went into building this business full time was so that I could have more time with my children. I wanted to be a present mum in my kids’ lives. 

With a network marketing business, you get to be your own boss and choose when you want to work. 

I know this is also something that really entices the younger generation. 

3. Double Revenue Each Year

In a network marketing business like Forever, you have the opportunity of actually doubling your revenue each year. 

The more time and effort you put in the bigger your earning opportunity becomes. 

4. Build A Fully Fledged Business Completely Online

Because you can build a network marketing business completely online you have access to masses of people. 

The internet isn’t going anywhere and with the rise in remote working over the last year people want the freedom of being able to work from home or anywhere for that matter. 

Read ‘Network Marketing Success Stories: Coming Out On Top Despite COVID-19’ here.

How SME’s And Start-Ups Can Leverage Network Marketing In 2021

Natalie Heeley the future of network marketing

Just how traditional businesses have had to morph and change over the last 18 months, so too has network marketing. 

The only difference being that the world of network marketing already had the foundations in place. 

COVID-19 forced many small businesses to take their business online and work from home for the first time ever, while many start-ups had to put a plug in their big plans and dreams. 

Network marketing has been enabling distributors to work online from the comfort of their own homes for a long time now and has already acclimated to the eCommerce world. 

The mechanism of network marketing can show small-business owners how having their own business can result in them having a life that is abundant with time, money, balance and ultimate freedom—something not many start-ups can relate to.

Here are three key ways that SME’s and start-ups can leverage network marketing in 2021 to enhance their business and personal life:

1. Have The Support Of A Team

When building a network marketing business (network being the operative word here), you literally do just that—build networks and form relationships with people who are open to an alternative method of making money. 

This is a skill that can be greatly beneficial to any business – small, large or start-up. 

While having a small business or being a start-up owner can be incredibly rewarding, it can also be very lonely. 

Many in this position can relate to having to work long periods of time in isolation or without a team to share ideas and go through the emotional periods with. 

In a network marketing business, you have the support of a team of like-minded people who have your back always. 

2. Overcome Economic Changes

Network marketing can be seen as recession-proof, like I mentioned earlier, people don’t stop consuming. 

However, for many small businesses and start-ups, this is not the case. It’s time for entrepreneurs to take an earnest look at network marketing and rethink any misconceptions they hold towards the industry.

With the unpredictable nature of the economy dipping and rising, SME’s can often feel every sting, while network marketing has proven to ride these waves over and over again. 

This can teach business owners how to adapt their business in varying economic conditions. 

Having a network marketing business can also provide a more stable financial base that can then give you the opportunity to explore other business ventures. 

3. Develop New Ecommerce Skills That Bring Your Start-Up Into The New Age Of Business

The most significant change to the network marketing industry is that it can be 100% online now, which couldn’t be more convenient in today’s world.

Gone are the days of having to ask people to join or host an in-person gathering because you can literally build your business from your phone with people who are situated all over the world. 

With an already established online store and delivery set-up, you have the ability to literally set and forget. 

All the skills and personal development growth you receive within a network marketing space can absolutely benefit you in every other area of your life and other businesses.

Free Download: How To Work From Home: The Ultimate Guide

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8 Questions To Ask When Choosing A Network Marketing Opportunity in 2021

Here are 8 questions to ask about the network marketing company you’re considering becoming a business owner of that will help you make the wisest choice. 

Has the Company Been Around for at Least Five Years?

Make sure the company you join has a proven track record. Approximately 90% of all network marketing companies fail within their first two years. 

The last thing you want to do is put in time, effort and commitment into a fleeting business that may not be around in a few months.  

Is the Company Well-Capitalised?

If the company is solvent, i.e it has the capital required to grow, maintains a solid infrastructure, attracts talented management, keeps pace with technology, and pays your commissions, then by all means proceed. 

Natalie Heeley

Does the Company Offer Products or Services That Are Unique?

You want to make sure that the products or services of the company you’re considering are somewhat unique and not easily available elsewhere. 

The product or service must fill a genuine need at a reasonable price, and there should be a considerable market for it. 

Also, if there is pressure to buy more products with the lure of being placed into an “elite” category of sellers, that’s a big red flag. Turn away and run from the opportunity quickly.

Can You Generate Immediate Income?

A reputable network marketing company is not going to ask you to invest thousands to get started and you should be able to start reaping rewards almost immediately upon the effort you put in. 

Does the Marketing System Take Full Advantage of Technology?

You want to ensure that they have all the necessary marketing systems in place so that you are not required to trial-and-error on your own.

Is There a Way to Build Your Business Part-Time Without Losing Your Full-Time Income?

The company must have automated systems that can do all the heavy lifting, like the selling and sorting, for you so that you can use your limited time efficiently. 

Being able to build your business part-time while keeping your full-time income is the least risky way to transition to a new source of revenue.

Will You Have Fun?

It’s important for a company to have good energy and a company culture. You should have fun with your business partners while you work together to build a long-term business. 

Read ‘Network Marketing Business Setup: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting!’ here.

Checklist For What Makes A Network Marketing Business The Top Choice Among Others

  • Low-risk and low-cost possibility
  • 100% comfort guarantee
  • Warranty arrangements
  • Consumer services
  • Easy to learn
  • Non-synthetic products
  • Total trade earnings
  • Seller’s earnings
  • Business stability
  • Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
  • Established time range of firm
  • Availability of the product in various countries
  • Shipment training
  • Stock selection
  • The legitimacy of industry structure
  • The progress of MLM sellers
  • Check if there’s any past or pending legal issues against the company
  • Stability history of the business 

Read ‘Network Marketing Recruitment: 15 Powerful Tips To Grow Your Business!’ here.

Create Your Own Job Security!

Let 2021 be the year you decide to empower yourself and take control of your life and financial future—create your own job security! 

There is no better time than right now to be open to what network marketing has to offer in such an unstable economic climate. 

I hope this article provided some clarity on what the future of network marketing looks like going forward and how it can truly be one of the most simple business opportunities available. 

Please feel free to share in the comments below and ask me any questions. 

Please click the social icons to share this with your network and help inspire them to action today!

With love,

Free Download “Network Marketing: The Stay At Home Mums Guide To Making Money Online

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