A network marketing planner can change the way you do business and set you up for sustainable success.
The key to any successful business is through organisation, as the saying goes “if you fail to plan, you plan to fail.”
For some being organised comes naturally, for others it takes work.
In this article, I will explain why using a planner is a must for every aspiring boss babe!
I look at the importance of using a planner, what should be included in it and ways to use it for the ultimate success!

The Importance of Network Marketing Planning
It doesn’t matter whether you are brand new to the world of network marketing and direct sales or if you’ve been doing it for a while…
Whichever bucket you fall into, you understand that being organised in any business you’re a part of is highly important. Hence, why you’re likely reading this for that very reason.
It can be so easy to get overwhelmed and feel like you don’t know where to start because there’s just so much to do. This often leads to procrastination and then nothing gets done at all.
If you are trying to keep track of names, products, appointments, team members, numbers, follow-ups etc. without a proper process you can’t be surprised when your business makes no progress.
It’s so easy to forget things or fall so far behind that you don’t know your left from your right, leaving you utterly defeated.
How can anyone succeed if this is what they are building their foundation on?
Read “23 Reasons Why Network Marketing is the Biz To Be In Right Now”
Solopreneur Life
When it comes to being a “solopreneur” and running your own business it’s important to make things as easy and efficient as possible.
There is no time for multiple calendars and stuff in a multitude of places scattered all over. Being able to access everything you need in a centralised place will make the world of difference to your efficiency and mindset.
Anyone who is successful in their network marketing biz will tell you that a large part of that is due to the prep work they put in.
Planning allows you to completely focus on the task at hand so you don’t spend time worrying about things that might be missing or anything else that should get done.
And for these reasons a network marketing planner is a useful tool there to help you plan ahead.
It needs to fit your business and work for you, so it’s not always as simple as finding that perfect app that can do everything.
Some may feel that they need a very specific planner or a planning software that’s dedicated to their industry. This may seem easier but it’s not super necessary.
Entrepreneurship principles are relevant across all industries and there are so many helpful books out there that can aid you with this.
Time management and planning are perfect examples of this, because they can be applied pretty much anywhere.
I feel there is so much worth in the small investment of time to figure out what you want to track and then from there create your own network marketing planning system. Making it 100% customised to you.
This is also something your upline or business mentor (like me) can help you with because we know what’s necessary for your business.
We’ve been through the process and can save you a lot of time and energy so you don’t make the same mistakes as us.
* Each MLM company has their own system and way of doing things. What I am recommending is based on online tools that I’ve used before/are using — especially in light of the world we’re living in at the moment — but I use a very specific system that has helped me and my team to #1 in the UK.
Want to learn more about WHY network marketing is for YOU?
What Should Be Included in your Network Marketing Planner 2020
A Scheduling / Calendar Section
The best way to do this is digitally as opposed to old school in a diary planner. You can always write it out daily in your diary if that helps you.
Using a tool like Calendly or Acuity Scheduling is perfect for setting up any meetings and if you’re doing any online they integrate with platforms like Zoom.
It integrates into your calendar so when you send someone the Calendly/ Acuity link they can see all the available dates and times you’ve provided and then whichever they select gets saved into your calendar.
This is brilliant for staying on top of any meetings or appointments you may have. You will know exactly who you are speaking to and when.
Make use of your calendar, be it iCal for Apple or Google Calendars. Get used to this being something you check REGULARLY.
A Follow-Up Section
This can work with your calendar so you are always on top of a follow up. Make sure to clearly distinguish this task from the rest so you know what it is amongst all the other tasks sitting in your calendar.
Colour coordinating your various tasks can help you know exactly what is what.
A Prospect List Section

This is important for keeping track of everyone you’re looking to prospect or show your business opportunity to.
You could do this on an excel sheet or if you want to keep with the modern times you could do this by using an online platform such as Hubspot — customer relationship management software.
The basic package is free to use with paid options for any of the more advanced features. This is what me and my team uses and I can’t begin to explain how much it’s helped streamline my business.
They offer plenty of free resources and videos to help you get started so I would highly recommend learning more about it.
A Goal Section
This is where you can put your business plan, and all of your goals. Goals can be broken down by short term – daily, weekly and long term – monthly, yearly.
Put your list of goals somewhere you know you will see it every day. Short-term goals could go in a physical planner or tracking app, while long-term goals could be put on the wall or on your bathroom mirror.
A Notes Section
This is more of a generic section where you can put in checklists or anything like that which just doesn’t have a category.

A Mileage Section
If you are doing a lot of travelling with your business which for most at this point is not happening due to COVID-19, then usually it would be important to keep a logbook to track your gas and mileage for tax rebate purposes.
In Addition…
If your biz involves more direct sales and is heavily focused on products then you’ll need to keep track of your inventory and your customer base etc.
In this case you may benefit from using an industry based Direct Sales Planner.
Have a Google and take a look at what’s out there.
There are both physical as well as digital (apps) planners available to help you with this.
At the end of the day it’s not really about what planner you’re using, but rather whether you’re actually using it.
Having a network marketing planner or tool is not going to magically transform your business. It’s about the effort you put into actually using it to help you streamline your processes.
You want to be using something that you actually enjoy and find useful, otherwise you’ll just be wasting your time.
If you are someone who is hyper organised and structured then you will want to use something that’s already categorised for you.
However, if you prefer to rather not be so constricted then you may find it better to use an empty notebook or a basic app.
Physical Planners VS Digital Tools

I like the combo of using a physical planner as well as a digital tool. I enjoy writing things down and this helps for my daily planning, while everything else can be planned and tracked digitally.
When it comes to physical planners, you are spoilt for choice as there are so many to choose from both instore and online.
There’s plain generic planners, there’s more inspirational versions with colors and graphics on them, there’s generic general entrepreneurial-based versions, and there’s specific network marketing and direct sales versions.
On the digital side of things, there are so many useful apps and programs that can help with planning. Hubspot is already one that I mentioned earlier and then you have powerful general planning software, like Todoist and Trello.
Take a look at reviews when deciding on which apps to use, this will help you narrow it down to which one may work best for you.
7 Ways To Use Your MLM Planner For Ultimate Entrepreneurial Success
1. Write Everything Down
This is so important. We are more likely to remember things when we write it out, so make sure to do this throughout your day.
Often we can think of something and it’s really important and then we think we won’t forget it because it’s so important, so we don’t write it down and then what happens?
We get busy and completely forget.
Sometimes this can happen to these ideas.
Anything that comes into your mind, write it down and categorize it.
Another very helpful way to stay on top of things is to allocate 15 minutes to pre-planning your day the night before or plan your week the Sunday before.
20 Must-Read Network Marketing Books To Maximise Your Earnings in 2020!
2. Take Notes in Your Calendar
It’s incredibly useful to be able to make extra notes on your tasks if needed in your calendar. Maybe you want to remind yourself to take something with you to a meeting or event etc.
3. Create Daily and Monthly Goals
The whole point of planning out daily tasks is so that they can be reached. So be reasonable with what goals you set for yourself each day.
You want your daily goals to be the action steps you take to reaching your monthly goals, so it’s important to give this some proper thought.
At the end of the month, look forward to what you want to do in the next month and write it in the planner.
Writing your goals down is a powerful step in the manifestation process and for calling in your desires into fruition, so don’t neglect this.
4. Use Your Planner for Financials
Allocate time for paying bills or doing tax. Often this kind of stuff can sneak up on us, so empower yourself by being organised.
Maybe you have an upcoming payment you will have to make, this is where you put it in your planner so eventually you can action it.
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5. Prioritise Your Work
What I mean by this is categorizing your work tasks by those that are income producing activities vs. those that are not.
You want to be focusing on tasks that are actually going to move the needle on your business. This is something you can also discuss with your upline or mentor.
6. Schedule Personal Time
I cannot stress this one enough. Your business is not going to mean anything if you’re burnt out or depressed.
By taking care of yourself you are taking care of your business. Nothing will have value without your health and well-being.
Allocate time in your calendar so you can focus on self-care, this could include taking a midday nap, exercise, lunch with yourself or a friend, or quality time with family.
7. Have a Section for Motivation and Inspiration
There are days where motivation and inspiration may be lacking, so a great way to immediately uplift yourself is by having a section for your fave quotes.
Instead of wasting time having to go and look for inspiration, having it in one place is really useful.
Choose images and quotes that really fire you up so when you flip to that section you can get the motivation you need right then and there!
Get motivated with my ’45 Inspiring Network Marketing Quotes From The Best in The Business‘ here
Ready to Plan Your Way to Success?
I have found that both myself and my business do so much better when I stay organised and plan things out.
If you want to grow exponentially in your entrepreneurial journey then this is something you have got to get good at.
Leave your comments below and feel free to ask me anything about using a network marketing planner.
I truly hope that you found this guide helpful and that it inspires you to get organised with your business.
Please click the social icons below to share this article with all the amazing mums in your inner circle that you feel it will bring value to, until next time.
With love,
Free Download “Network Marketing Business Setup: What I Wish I Knew Before Starting!