You are currently viewing 15 Self Help Books for Women To Empower Themselves With In 2021

15 Self Help Books for Women To Empower Themselves With In 2021

Self-help books for women are the perfect tool for self-empowerment. 

They can be a kind of manual for self inquiry and insight and can help guide you to make changes to your every day life while giving you the autonomy to make those changes at your own pace.

Leaders are readers and if you want your business to grow you have to grow. Plain and simple. 

Feeling ready? Let’s go!

What Are Self-Help Books?

self-help books for women

Self-help books will generally provide actions that the reader can implement to help them reach a specific outcome or expectation.

Whereas, personal development books often help you develop personal skills that can be beneficial when looking to improve personally or professionally.

Many self-help books offer strategies that the author has personally used to improve their lives, while others are based on research and scientific inquiry.

Self-help books have the power to give you insights, knowledge, and guidance on how to improve your life, thinking, or circumstances.

Read ‘A Simple Guide On Forming New Habits For A Happy and Healthy Life‘ here.

Do Self-Help Books Actually Work?

They can if you actually implement the actions and steps provided for self-improvement.

No amount of reading and books will magically change your life if you don’t do the work.

Self-help books can give you all the tools to improve your life, but you won’t see results unless you take the time and make an effort to apply the teachings and principles that these books give you.

self-help books for women

Read ’57 Abundance Affirmations To Call In A Prosperous 2021′ here.

4 Reasons To Read Self-Help Books For Women

  1. It will help you see yourself and the world through a more positive lens. 

When you read a book that’s inspiring and uplifting, your brain gets flooded with lots of positivity and uplifting thoughts and ideas. Making time to read so you can experience this will naturally raise your vibration and keep you in a more optimal state of mind. 

2. It will inspire you to make better choices in life and motivate you to take positive actions more often.

Most self-help books for women will come with exercises and prompts that will encourage you to think deeper about the choices you make and why you make them. 

It will get you to honestly evaluate your life so you can see what changes need to be made while still feeling empowered and good about yourself. 

3. Self-help books have the potential to expand you, not improve you. 

Reading an inspirational book is not about improving your life, it’s so that you can enhance your life. Self-help is all about expanding more of who you are so you can live to your fullest potential. 

Reading an inspirational book is not about improving your life, it’s so that you can enhance your life. Self-help is all about expanding more of who you are so you can live to your fullest potential. 

4. Can cultivate deeper self-awareness and elevate self-growth.

Reading self-help books can help you deepen your self-awareness. When you start to cultivate awareness around your actions and become more conscious of your thoughts, you can begin to reframe negative thought patterns and replace them with more empowering ones. 

When you feel like you have more control and begin to embody more of your power you will naturally feel an urge to keep growing and fostering self-excellence.

You will find yourself wanting more and mapping out a vision and plan for what you want in your life. 

self-help books for women

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15 Must-Read Self-Help Books for Women

1. ‘Maybe You Should Talk to Someone’ by Lori Gottlieb

'Maybe You Should Talk to Someone' by Lori Gottlieb self help books for women

Lori Gottlieb shares her profoundly personal experience when she makes the switch from clinician to patient, and what we can all learn when we decide to be vulnerable. 

This book does a beautiful job of sticking to the reality of therapy or counseling with complete honesty and authenticity. Lori Gottlieb’s handling of sensitive or difficult feelings in her own therapy and her work with her patients is inspiring. 

You may find yourself relating to so many things she says about her patients circumstances and her own. Definitley a book to add to the top of your reading list!

2. ‘Year of Yes’ by Shonda Rhimes

'Year of Yes' by Shonda Rhimes self help books for women

The Year of Yes by the creator of Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, Shonda Rhimes, shows you exactly how, a self-proclaimed introvert, went on to be the creator of some of the most popular TV shows. 

This book speaks to pushing through fear and saying yes no matter how scary it may be for you because on the other side is all the opportunities you’ve been dreaming of. 

Read ‘9 Ways to Increase Productivity Working From Home During Covid-19’ here.

3. ‘You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero

'You Are a Badass' by Jen Sincero self help books for women

This book is choccas full of hilariously inspiring stories, sage advice, easy exercises, and the occasional swear word, helping you to:

  • Identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviours that stop you from getting what you want.
  • Create a life you totally love. And create it now!
  • Make some damn money already. The kind you’ve never made before.

Sincero has a way of making you feel like you’re talking to a friend, there are no airs and graces in this book. It will leave you feeling motivated and inspired to take action. 

4. ‘Big Magic’ by Elizabeth Gilbert

Big Magic' by Elizabeth Gilbert self help books for women

Elizabeth Gilbert is well known for her ability to inspire others, and in this book, the focus is on the benefits of having a sense of creativity in life. 

Gilbert offers her unique perspective and insights into the importance of embracing your curiosity in order to let go of suffering. She discusses techniques to live in line with your values and how to overcome the things you fear the most.

A fantastic and inspirational read if you are trying to channel creativity or just interested in the process.

5. ‘The Life-changing Magic Of Tidying Up’ By Marie Kondo

The Life-changing Magic Of Tidying Up By Marie Kondo self help books for women

This book will make you think about why you keep things and encourages you to examine what you actually need.

It is incredibly empowering to organise and declutter your space around you. This book speaks into this and shows how something so simple can make such a shift in your life. 

6. ‘Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar’ by Cheryl Strayed

Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice on Love and Life from Dear Sugar by Cheryl Strayed self help books for women

A book you’ll find yourself coming back to time and time agian. It includes many submissions from anonymous individuals discussing their concerns and asking for advice.

You may find that while reading this book and other peoples stories, you are humbled hearing about their struggles and pain, yet you will not feel that your own experiences don’t have significance. 

This book is about recognising our own pain and joys and learning to be more loving to each other. To be courageously honest with ourselves so we can be the absolute best version we can be.

7. ‘The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know’ by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman

The Confidence Code: The Science and Art of Self-Assurance—What Women Should Know by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman self help books for women

Written by journalists Katty Kay and Claire Shipman, the lessons offered in this book explore the neuroscience behind confidence and how women can actually choose to improve their confidence by being proactive and taking risks. 

The authors show readers how their actions can help rewire their brains to improve self-confidence, which can then increase success, life satisfaction, and leadership abilities.

8. ‘Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead’ by Sheryl Sandberg

Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg self help books for women

Following her 2010 TED Talk, Sheryl Sandberg compiled this book of personal anecdotes, scientific data, and cutting-edge research to help women pay more attention to what they can do than what they can’t do.

Sandberg uses her own experience, backed by facts from credible research. She doesn’t just moan about life, she provides ways on how to actually make things better.

She uses humour and insight to offer women tips to incorporate their professional achievement with a personal sense of fulfilment. 

9. ‘Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead’ by Brene Brown

Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown self help books for women

This is the kind of book that will inspire you to be more courageous. Brene Brown, a trailblazing researcher, makes a strong argument in this book that one’s willingness to be vulnerable is directly related to their courage. 

Furthermore, she proposes that if we don’t let ourselves to be vulnerable, we are limiting our exposure to experiences that give our lives purpose.

10. ‘The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM’ by Hal Elrod

'The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM' by Hal Elrod self help books for women

Leaders get an early start on the day with a solid routine and this is exactly the sentiments that come through in this book. 

If you struggle with maintaining a routine and want to change the way you approach things, give this book a go. 

11. ‘The Universe Has Your Back’ By Gabrielle Bernstein

'The Universe Has Your Back' By Gabrielle Bernstein self help books for women

This book shares Gabrielle Berstein’s stories and universal lessons which provide a framework for releasing the blocks to what everyone most longs for: happiness, security and clear direction. 

These lessons can help us relinquish the need to control in order to relax into a sense of certainty and freedom – to stop chasing life and truly live.

12. ‘Everything Is Figureoutable’ By Marie Forleo

Everything Is Figureoutable By Marie Forleo self help books for women

This book will show you how to face your fears and develop the mindset to figure out how to solve any challenge in your life.

The book reads like a great coach encouraging you as you reflect, contemplate, delve deeper, gain insights and challenge your thinking, all of which are crucial to changing how you perceive any problem that comes your way.

Marie also uses anecdotes and science to help explain concepts.

This book has helpful tools that can help you develop your mindset, transitioning from the thinking that holds you back. 

13. ‘Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals’ by Rachel Hollis

Girl, Stop Apologizing: A Shame-free Plan for Embracing and Achieving Your Goals by Rachel Hollis self help books for women

This book gives you a guide on “how” to achieve the goals you know you want or how to take dreams and make them into tangible goals. 

Rachel Hollis gives you information that you could potentially know in the back of your mind, but she will make you think about it from a new perspective–and then she encourages and inspires you to take action. 

If you’re ready to reach for the stars then this is a must-read!

14. ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change’ by Stephen R. Covey

'The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change' by Stephen R. Covey self help books for women

This book provides an essential guide to leadership with a lifetime of lasting lessons. 

As one reads through it, a clear vision forms: build your private victory by being proactive, have a set of values and principles that deeply touch who you are and only after that build synergy with the people around you by listening with the intent to understand first and then think.  

This book will give you a set of rules on how to live a productive, harmonious and happy life!

15. ‘Untamed’ by Glennon Doyle

'Untamed' by Glennon Doyle self help books for women

This is a book every woman should read. It’s honest, authentic and so very relatable. 

In the book, Glennon Doyle takes readers through her journey to living a truly authentic life that will inspire them to do the same. And, don’t forget, “We can do hard things.”

Read ’20 Must-Read Network Marketing Books To Maximise Your Earnings in 2020′ here.

Empower Yourself! Get Reading!

Give yourself at least 15 minutes a day dedicated to reading. It may feel difficult at first to be consistent but the benefits will be worth it! 

You can expand your creativity, productivity, positive self-image, and skills just from a few minutes of daily reading. 

I hope this article served you in some way and that you found nuggets of value.

Please feel free to share in the comments below and ask me any questions. 

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With love,

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